This committee supports academic excellence in LA&PS through examining and formulating our academic planning and policies.
The Academic Policy and Planning Committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 1 - 3 p.m. (September - June).
2024-2025 Members
Faculty Members
Athanasios (Sakis) Gekas, Department of History
Sadia Miriam Malik, Department of Economics
Maurice Poon, School of Social Work
Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Department of Humanities
Othon Alexandrakis, Department of Anthropology
You-Ta Chuang, School of Administrative Studies
Xiaohui Yu, School of Information Technology
Representatives from SCOLAPS
To be determined
Ex-Officio Members (non-voting)
JJ. McMurtry, Dean, LA&PS
Ida Ferrara, Chair of Faculty Council
Tejas Kittur, Secretary of Council
LA&PS Representative on the Senate Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee (APPRC)
Staff Representative from the Strategic Planning Unit
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Reports & Documents
LA&PS Academic Plan, 2021-2026
After eight months of consultation across the Faculty, including visits by APPC and the Dean to the 20 Schools and Departments in LA&PS, a series of Town Halls, a special meeting of Faculty Council, and online discussions conducted via a dedicated eClass site, the final version of the LA&PS Academic Plan was approved at Faculty Council on June 13, 2021.