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Research identifies how to become the next Uber or Amazon

The success and proliferation of digital platforms like Uber and Amazon are increasingly inspiring entrepreneurs to build new ventures on similar lines. Despite the prominent success stories, many digital platforms fail to survive the startup stage. How can aspiring platform entrepreneurs overcome the early-stage challenge and enable the successful emergence of digital platform ecosystems? Professor Anoop […]

Successful Nigerian business-NGO partnerships rooted in collaboration

York Prof considers an unlikely partnership between an NGO and an oil company in Nigeria, and discovers under what conditions such partnerships thrive.   What’s the key ingredient to successful partnerships? York University Development Studies Professor Uwafiokun Idemudia reviewed existing research on an unorthodox union between a non-governmental organization (NGO) and an oil company with […]

YCAR's 2013 Asia Lecture looks at value and waste in capitalist society

The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) 2013 Asia Lecture will feature geography and global studies Professor Vinay Gidwani of the University of Minnesota talking about value struggles in Delhi. The talk, Value Struggles: Waste Work and Urban Ecology in Delhi, will be on Tuesday, Oct. 8, with coffee beginning at 10:30am, followed by the […]

York University hosts a new knowledge translation group

York University’s Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) Unit has joined forces with NeuroDevNet, a Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE), to provide knowledge translation (KT) leadership and services within the University of British Columbia-based network.  “York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit is continuing to make an impact by supporting transformative research through knowledge translation,” said Robert Haché (left), York’s vice-president research […]

Harnessing the power of many: York University participates in crowdfunding summit

York University is an academic partner in a new summit exploring the power of crowdfunding. Hosted by the York Region Business Innovation in Changing Times Conference Series, which focuses on providing businesses access to ideas, insight and resources to help them adapt to the fast-changing marketplace, the Crowdfunding Revolution summit is set for Thursday, Aug. 22, […]

Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA number one in Canada

The Financial Times of London ranked the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA (EMBA) at York University the number one EMBA program in Canada Monday. This is the sixth year that the Schulich School of Business has been eligible to participate in the Financial Times ranking and the sixth straight year that the Kellogg-Schulich EMBA program has been […]

Schulich team aces accounting Case Competition

Schulich School of Business students – Team ACE – won gold at the Certified Management Accountants of Ontario's seventh annual Case Competition, winning $5,000 and the coveted CMA Ontario Case Competition Cup. “The Case Competition was an excellent way to apply what we’re learning in our program,” said Latursia Kathiraveluppillai, of the winning team. “The added […]

Financial Times ranks Schulich EMBA number one in Canada

The Financial Times of London yesterday ranked the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA (EMBA) at York University the number one EMBA program in Canada and number 11 in the world. This is the fifth year that Schulich has been eligible to participate in the Financial Times ranking and the fifth straight year that the Kellogg-Schulich EMBA program […]