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Information Technology

Law Professor David Doorey builds app to extend workplace blog's digital reach

York law Professor David Doorey of the School of Human Resource Management has taken the idea of blogging one step further. He’s developed his own app for his blog, now available for Apple devices as a free download through iTunes. Doorey says the main reason he started Doorey's Workplace Law Blog was to better connect with […]

Adaptive Software Systems Research Laboratory seeking Post-Doctoral Fellow

The Adaptive Software Systems Research Laboratory is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow with expertise in computer science. The position is funded by the Ministry of Research & Innovation's Post Doctoral Fellowship program (click and scroll down for the program requirements). More details, including salary details and how to apply, are available in the Research Jobs section. […]

Engineering students' projects at the cutting edge of technology

From a stabilization system for an unmanned plane to a glove that will change the channels on the television with a flick of a finger, York’s fourth-year engineering students are putting practical twists on their research projects. Seven teams of students from the capstone senior design project course displayed their work in the lobby of […]

ABEL program seeks eCourse developer for Regional Adaptation Collaboration project (closes May 2)

The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning program (ABEL), is seeking an eCourse Developer and technical support for the Regional Adaptation Collaboration project. More details, including salary details and how to apply, are available in the Research Jobs section. Please note that only resumes submitted through the described process will be considered. The posting closes May 2, […]

Professors Richardson and Ezzedeen on rise of telework

If you have caught on to just one technology fad over the last two decades, chances are you have teleworked in some way, be it to check business e-mails from your personal laptop, schedule an interview over your BlackBerry or send that very important presentation via your iPhone, wrote March 26: According to Julia […]

York displays research and innovation at YTA Solutions Showcase

York researchers and students displayed their research projects and innovations at the York Technology Alliance’s Solutions Showcase event, which took place at the Markham Convergence Centre (MCC) on March 10. Titled “Game Changers: How local innovations are creating a new ‘business as usual'”, the York Technology Alliance (YTA) showcase encouraged participants from industry, academia and government agencies […]

Professor Jennifer Jenson: Video game industry needs more women

Few mainstream video games are made – or marketed – with women in mind, even though nearly 40 per cent of video game players in the United States and Canada are female, wrote the Toronto Star March 4, in a story about two Vancouver women who own a game development company. The likely reason? Few women are […]

York Central Hospital's partnership with York University will improve patient care

"Knowledge translation", says Dr. Indy Ghosh, will be one of the greatest benefits of a partnership between York Central Hospital and York University to foster research and access to research at the hospital, wrote March 1: It will not only ensure patients receive leading-edge care but help build a reputation for excellence at the […]

York University launches commercialization presence in York Region

If collaboration across industry, academic and public sectors is key to bridging Canada’s innovation gap, how do you make university research more accessible to the people and organizations who need this expertise? York University has answered this challenge by launching Innovation York (IY). Strategically located in York Region, IY is the public face and conduit […]