Joel Lexchin, professor in York’s School of Health Policy & Management in the Faculty of Health, spoke to BNN on April 14 about the Ontario government’s latest plan to reduce the cost of generic drugs and whether the plan should benefit drug manufacturers, pharmacies, or people paying for drug prescriptions.
Lexchin, has worked as an emergency physician at the University Health Network since 1988. His research interests include: physician prescribing behaviour, pharmaceutical promotion and the drug approval process. He has been a consultant on pharmaceutical issues to the Ontario government, the federal Auditor General, the government of New Zealand, the Australian National Prescribing Service, and the World Health Organization.
The interview runs approximately nine minutes and is available on BNN's Website.
Lexchin was also interviewed by CBC's "The Current" on the drug cost issue.
Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, with files courtesy of YFile– York University’s daily e-bulletin.