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VIDEO: Professor Stephen Gaetz's Ted talk on homelessness and research in Canada

Professor Stephen Gaetz in the Faculty of Education participated in York's inaugural TedxYorku event earlier this month. His talk is now available on youtube:

Gaetz’s research agenda foregrounds social justice and attempts to make research relevant to policy and program development. He comes to this work at York University after several years of working in the homelessness sector and for the City of Toronto. His research interests include homelessness, youth culture, criminal victimization and community development.

Gaetz has published a book on community-based responses to youth problems in Ireland, and numerous articles in a wide range of journals. His research on homeless youth has focused on their economic strategies, health, education and legal and justice issues. He led Canada’s first national homelessness research conference in 2005.

Gaetz is the director of the Canadian Homelessness Research Network and the Homeless Hub a clearing house for homelessness research. The mission of the Homeless Hub is to mobilize homelessness research so that it has a greater impact on policy, planning and service provision, thereby contributing to solutions to end homelessness in Canada. His research is funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, research communications officer.