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Romanticizing divorce carries high price, says professor emerita

Long the goal of marriage, "happily ever after" is being reimagined by books and movies as the chief export of divorce, wrote Postmedia News July 12.

A leading Canadian divorce researcher, however, warns that escapism carries a high price, if not for couples who've survived a split than for those teetering on the edge of their vows.

"They may find self-renewal, but it comes at the expense of a lot of suffering," says Anne-Marie Ambert, a retired professor of sociology at York University [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies]. "There's definitely a crop of children who are very, very negatively affected by their parents' divorce."

Ambert's research finds 221 divorces per 100,000 population in Canada, representing a significant decline from 362 in the late 1980s. Nevertheless, roughly two in five marriages dissolve before the 30th anniversary.

"The truth is that only about a third of all divorces are the result of what we'd call 'bad marriages’," says Ambert.

Posted by Arielle Zomer, research communications officer, with files courtesy of YFile – York University’s daily e-bulletin.