Rhonda Lenton, president and vice-chancellor of York University, issues the following announcement to the community:
I am delighted to announce that Dr. Rui Wang has been appointed as Interim Vice-President of Research and Innovation effective May 1.

Dr. Rui Wang
Dr. Wang will lead the continued intensification of research and innovation at the University while continuing to serve as the Deputy Provost responsible for planning York’s permanent presence in Markham. There is considerable overlap on a range of research and academic activities in Markham and York Region that will create an opportunity for synergies while allowing for an integration of the portfolios over the next eight months while a formal search is conducted for the permanent Vice-President Research and Innovation.
Dr. Wang joined York from Laurentian University, where he was a member of the Department of Biology and served as Vice-President Research from 2015 to 2018. Prior to that appointment, he was Vice-President of Research and subsequently Vice-President of Research, Economic Development and Innovation at Lakehead University. Having served in the role of VP Research at two separate institutions, Dr Wang brings a wealth of relevant expertise and experience to the role at York.
At Laurentian, he put in place strategies to intensify research capacity and consolidate research strengths, thereby increasing funding. He has also promoted collaborative initiatives with community and industry partners and Canadian and international universities. While at Lakehead, he spearheaded development and implementation of the university’s first strategic research plan and put in place policies and procedures to support research and researchers. The establishment of Laurentian Mining Innovation and Technology (LMIT) and the successful launch of Laurentian’s Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) project – Metal Earth – further testify his leadership at Laurentian University. He has been a champion of equity and diversity throughout his career, promoting Indigenous teaching and research, and was instrumental in supporting the establishment of the Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute at Laurentian in 2017.
Dr. Wang holds an MSc and MD from universities in Xi’an and Shandong, China and a PhD in Physiology from the University of Alberta. His research focuses on the study of metabolism and physiological functions of a small group of gas molecules in our body, known as gasotransmitters.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Robert Haché, the outgoing Vice-President of Research and Innovation, for his leadership and stewardship of York’s Strategic Research Plan. York’s research accomplishments have gone from strength to strength during Rob’s tenure, and he will be missed.
Courtesy of YFile.