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Critical Border Studies Speaker Series at York

The Critical Border Studies Speaker Series (CBSSS) is a new initiative being spearheaded by Dr. Elizabeth Lunstrum (Geography), PhD Candidate David Moffette (Sociology) and the York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS). The purpose of this series is to bring to together developing and established scholars from within and beyond the York community in order to address a series of empirical and theoretical questions about the contemporary practices of and at borders.

El Muro (The Wall): On Borders, Renewed Exclusions, and Other Nightmares of
Gilberto Rosas
Thursday, October 13
1:30 – 3:30 pm
764 York Lanes

For more information about upcoming events please click the following link or email Chris Hendershot (

The Critical Border Studies Speaker Series is sponsored by the York Centre for International and Security Studies and the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost.