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York Centre for International & Security Studies

Critical Border Studies Speaker Series at York

The Critical Border Studies Speaker Series (CBSSS) is a new initiative being spearheaded by Dr. Elizabeth Lunstrum (Geography), PhD Candidate David Moffette (Sociology) and the York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS). The purpose of this series is to bring to together developing and established scholars from within and beyond the York community in […]

Professor David Dewitt appointed vice-president of programs at CIGI

David Dewitt, associate vice-president research (social sciences & humanities) and a professor of political science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, will be taking a leave of absence from York University to become the vice-president of programs at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). His new position commences July 1. Left: […]

WikiLeaks forum to discuss questions of security and international relations on April 27

An upcoming forum, “WikiLeaks and the Politics of Exposure: Militaries, States and the Public Realm”, will look at the phenomena of WikiLeaks, including questions related to security, international relations, and public versus private space. The event will take place April 27, from 7 to 9pm, in the Rosedale Room of the Marriot Bloor-Yorkville Hotel, 90 […]

Professor Robert Latham speaks to CBC about exploring Middle East protests in the classroom

Professor Robert Latham, director of the York Centre for International & Security Studies, spoke to CBC Radio's Metro Morning about the challenges inherent in using the developing situation in the Middle East as a teaching example in the classroom, including the role social media is playing in Egypt, Libya and other places in the Middle […]

Chancellor and professors to discuss social justice and human rights January 12

Chancellor Roy McMurtry and three York professors will discuss social justice and human rights on a panel next Wednesday as part of the Research Matters Speakers Series. McMurtry, former attorney general of Ontario, will open with remarks on social justice in Canada. Each panelist will speak about a different aspect of the theme, followed by a […]

YCISS military analyst speaks with media about Canada's Armed Forces

Martin Shadwick, a military analyst and research fellow in the York Centre for International & Security Studies and a lecturer in the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has recently been quoted in several media outlets about his research on Canada's armed forces. He spoke to the Calgary […]

Panel on security wrestles with problem of civilians owning guns

Civilian possession of guns has undermined global and national efforts to control small arms and light weapons, but what can be done and what are the issues? That’s what the York Centre for International & Security Studies (YCISS) will examine at its Contemporary Dilemmas in Canadian Security Lecture Series. Four speakers will untangle some of […]

YCISS issues a call for papers on pop culture and world politics -- Deadline April 14, 2010

York University will host a major international conference on November 4 and 5 that will bring together more than 120 students, academics and artists to examine interactions between popular culture and world politics. For further information, visit the Popular Culture & World Politics Conference Web site. The conference, which is hosted by the York Centre for International & […]