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heart disease

New associate dean of research and partnerships appointed for Faculty of Science and Engineering

Professor Robert Tsushima will take on the role of Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships in the Faculty of Science & Engineering for a three-year term, effective Aug. 1. Tsushima, professor in York’s Department of Biology, holds a Career Investigator Award from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. His research program investigates the molecular and […]

York Central Hospital's partnership with York University will improve patient care

"Knowledge translation", says Dr. Indy Ghosh, will be one of the greatest benefits of a partnership between York Central Hospital and York University to foster research and access to research at the hospital, wrote March 1: It will not only ensure patients receive leading-edge care but help build a reputation for excellence at the […]

Professor Sherry Grace's cardiac rehabilitation study attracts Canadian coverage

Ensuring that heart patients get automatically referred [for rehabilitation programs] as they're leaving the hospital can make a difference, argues Sherry Grace, of York University and the University Health Network, and her colleagues in a paper published Monday in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, wrote the Hamilton Spectator, the Waterloo Region Record, the Canadian […]

Professor Sherry Grace's study shows positive benefits of cardiac rehab participation

Health care practitioners can increase the number of patients referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program by more than 40 per cent, helping them to reduce their risk of dying and improve their quality of life, say researchers at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre. Researchers explored multiple strategies to increase referrals to cardiac rehabilitation programs at […]

CFI awards York researchers $274,000 in funding

Funding will support three projects in biology, kinesiology and psychology The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has awarded York University $274,689 in infrastructure funding to support the research of three York professors. Olivier Birot, professor in the School of Kinesiology & Health Science in York's Faculty of Health and a member of the Muscle Health Research […]

New diabetes study on Type 2 diabetes, high-risk populations and fitness enters second phase

Could screening high-risk populations for pre-diabetes and setting them up with culturally preferred fitness regimes prevent people from developing Type 2 diabetes and the secondary complications of heart and kidney disease, blindness and stroke? That’s what several York researchers are hoping to find out. If successful, their Pre-Diabetes Detection and Physical Activity Intervention Delivery (PRE-PAID) Program […]