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York Autism Research Alliance shares research findings with wider autism community

Some 24 outside agencies came to the inaugural York Autism Research Alliance’s Research Showcase at York last week to hear what researchers were working on – everything from isolating three to 20 genes potentially responsible for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to looking at how children with ASD process visual and auditory information. “The take home […]

CIHR-funded nursing study finds specialized senior care delivers best hospital outcomes

Seniors receiving hospital care in acute care for elders units have shorter hospital stays, experience fewer declines in physical functioning and are less likely to be discharged to a nursing home than when treated in regular hospital units. This is one of the preliminary findings of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research-funded study led at York. […]

York-led global project to examine criminalization of sexual orientation

Nancy Nicol’s team receives $1 million to study LGBT human rights around the world York University visual arts professor Nancy Nicol will lead a major international project on the impact of criminalizing sexual orientation and gender identity, with $1 million in funding over five years from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). […]

Research Jobs: CIV-DDD project seeking Technical Manager

The Centre for Innovation in Information Visualization and Data-Driven Design (CIV-DDD) is seeking a project manager for a one-year contract with a possibility of renewal. The position will be posted until it has been filled. Details about the posting are available in Research Jobs. Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, research communications officer.

CC-RAI research partnership to host Canadian premiere of 'Sun Come Up' April 1

The Climate Consortium for Research Action Integration (CC-RAI) will host the first Canadian screening of the Oscar-nominated documentary, Sun Come Up – A story of the world’s first climate change refugees, at York University’s Keele campus on Friday, April 1. Students interested in how climate change will affect people in Canada and abroad are welcome […]

York partners with life science trade mission to Israel

Members of Markham council will go on a trade mission to Israel to participate in the Israel Life Science Industry Biomed conference in Tel Aviv, May 20 to 29, wrote March 17: The May business mission is a partnership between the Town of Markham, the Regional Municipality of York, York University and Miller Thomson […]

Better care aim of hospital research partnership between York and Southlake

If you're a patient at Southlake Regional Health Centre, there's now a better chance you'll be part of a research project, wrote the Newmarket Era March 16; the story also appeared on A partnership between the local hospital and York University will embed leading scientists from the postsecondary institution as researchers to work alongside […]

New partnership embeds York researchers at Southlake Hospital

A new research initiative involving a partnership between York University and Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket will see feature leading scientists from the University serving as embedded researchers at the hospital. York Professors Chris Ardern, Imogen Coe, Paul Ritvo and Lauren Sergio will work on site for one to two days a week with hospital clinicians to […]

York Central Hospital's partnership with York University will improve patient care

"Knowledge translation", says Dr. Indy Ghosh, will be one of the greatest benefits of a partnership between York Central Hospital and York University to foster research and access to research at the hospital, wrote March 1: It will not only ensure patients receive leading-edge care but help build a reputation for excellence at the […]