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Social Sciences

Explore York U research on public engagement for a just and sustainable world

Explore arts, environmental studies and social sciences based-research at a celebration highlighting Public Engagement for a Just and Sustainable World. The celebration is being co-hosted by four of York’s Faculties, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation on Wednesday, April 16. The event will highlight the research of six York scholars, […]

What is knowledge mobilization and why does it matter to universities?

David Phipps, director of York’s Office of Research Services, spent part of December in Edinburgh, Brighton and London exploring knowledge exchange and knowledge brokering in the UK, said The Guardian March 9, introducing the first in a series of four articles about knowledge mobilization by Phipps in The Guardian‘s Higher Education Network blog. University knowledge […]

Professor Colin Coates to dig into data on international commodity trading

A York University research team will comb through digitized 19th-century documents to trace the environmental and economic consequences of international commodity trading during the 19th century. Led by Professor Colin Coates (left), Canada Research Chair in Canadian Cultural Landscapes and professor of Canadian Studies at Glendon College, the project is expected to cast light on the impacts of […]

Philanthropist Pierre Lassonde donates $25 million to York

Yesterday was a very good day for future generations of Canadian engineers. During a special event held at York University's Keele campus, President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri announced a $25-million dollar transformative donation from Pierre Lassonde, chairman of the Franco-Nevada Corporation, for an expanded School of Engineering.  [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=400 height=300 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false […]

Professor Haideh Moghissi wins a prestigious Trudeau Fellowship

York University Professor Haideh Moghissi has been awarded the prestigious Trudeau Fellowship prize from the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. “We were thrilled to learn that Professor Haideh Moghissi was a recipient of the Trudeau Fellowship prize,” said York President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri. “The Trudeau Fellowship is an incredible honour bestowed upon the finest thinkers who […]

Professor George Fallis: How universities can combat the democratic deficit

Giambattista Vico Lecture to be held February 15, 2011 Universities can play a critical role in confronting the democratic deficit pervading politics at every level, York’s George Fallis will argue in this year’s Giambattista Vico Lecture Feb. 15. What is to be done, Fallis will ask, about declining voter turnout, strident and polarizing debate, public decision-making […]

Professor Ellen Bialystok accepts $100,000 Killam Prize

York Professor Ellen Bialystok accepted the $100,000 Killam Prize for outstanding career achievement at a formal ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa December 14, 2010. Bialystok, a Distinguished Research Professor in York’s Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Health, is known internationally for her research on language, bilingualism and cognitive development. The award was […]

Call For Presentations: 2011 YCAR Graduate Student Workshop series

The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) invites proposals for its Graduate Student Workshop series taking place from January to April 2011. This series is an opportunity for graduate students conducting research on Asia and the Asian diaspora to present their research-in-progress to graduate students and a York faculty member. It is intended for York students […]

SSHRC-funded international workshop examines forced marriages in conflict stituations

York law & society Professor Annie Bunting (LLB '88) and The Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples are hosting an international workshop on forced marriage in conflict situations today and tomorrow in Room 305 York Lanes on the Keele campus. Left: Annie Bunting Bringing together historians of slavery and women's human rights […]

Call for papers: CERLAC Graduate Student Research Conference

The Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean (CERLAC) is calling for papers for its second International Graduate Student Research Conference. The first conference attracted over 70 presenters from Canada, the United States, Europe and Latin America, who presented in 20 themed panels over a two-day period. Expert faculty members helped ensure rich […]