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working life

Personality and ability to relate affect career choices, says visiting Professor Shmuel Shulman

Some theories point to delayed commitments and the instabilities inherent in today's youth as the prime determinant of their careers, but psychology Professor Shmuel Shulman of Bar-Ilan University in Israel says their vast array of experiences, their individual personalities and their ability to relate to others may also play a role. Shulman, a visiting scholar at the LaMarsh Centre […]

Professors Richardson and Ezzedeen on rise of telework

If you have caught on to just one technology fad over the last two decades, chances are you have teleworked in some way, be it to check business e-mails from your personal laptop, schedule an interview over your BlackBerry or send that very important presentation via your iPhone, wrote March 26: According to Julia […]

Professor and CRC Leo Panitch on renewed interest in Karl Marx

With the West suffering from the after-effects of the financial crisis and revolution in the air in parts of the world, could it possibly be springtime for Marx? wrote The Globe and Mail March 26: "I'm optimistic about the explosion that's happened in Wisconsin," says Leo Panitch, a political science professor at York University [Faculty […]

Professor Ananya Mukherjee-Reed's study lauds women's collective farming

Groups of women taking up collective farming in the state under Kudumbasree caught the imagination of Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, professor of political science and development studies at York University in Toronto [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies], wrote India’s The Hindu March 11: It is by far the best method to ensure food security, especially […]

Professor Nazilla Khanlou's research advocates for immigrants and mental health

Imagine the stress of uprooting your family to make a new life in a new country in a new language. For women, adapting can be a very different experience than that of their children. Depending on their resilience and their situation, some adapt better than others. Nazilla Khanlou knows. An immigrant herself, she's been studying […]

Perfectionist professors have lower research productivity, study shows

Professor Gordon Flett collaborated in the online psychology study Perfectionism is sometimes viewed as a positive personality trait to be rewarded or reinforced, but Dalhousie University psychology professor Simon Sherry believes it is mostly a self-defeating behaviour, wrote University Affairs, Jan. 12: In professors, the effect can be particularly pernicious: in a new study, Sherry […]

Professor Dennis Raphael: Getting sick is more about living conditions than lifestyle

What makes us sick? Is it genetics or lifestyle? Is it too many burgers, too much alcohol, not enough exercise? Not according to York Professor Dennis Raphael, who, like the fourth-century BC philosopher Plato, attributes poor health to living conditions. Things like income level and people’s access to food, housing, education, and health and social services, are […]

Professor Souha Ezzedeen's study on men behind successful women recognized as one of 2009's 20 best on work-family research

After a review some 2,000 articles in 75 leading English-language journals worldwide, an article co-written by York human resource management Professor Souha Ezzedeen was chosen as one of 20 official nominees for the 2009 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. The annual award, presented last month, is named for Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who has […]

Listen: York prof speaks to Metro Morning on restructuring the 9-to-5 workday

York Professor Ronald Burke in the Schulich School of Business spoke to CBC Radio's Metro Morning on February 16 about the merits of restructuring the 9 to 5 workday to a more flexible system that emphasizes results over punching the time clock. Burke says the 9-to-5 workday was introduced to protect workers from long hours, […]