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Listen: York prof speaks to Metro Morning on restructuring the 9-to-5 workday

York Professor Ronald Burke in the Schulich School of Business spoke to CBC Radio's Metro Morning on February 16 about the merits of restructuring the 9 to 5 workday to a more flexible system that emphasizes results over punching the time clock.

Burke says the 9-to-5 workday was introduced to protect workers from long hours, but workplaces should now consider more flexible hours provided it's appropriate for the job. If employers allow workers to "work to results" and go home, they must be accountable to someone, show that results have been achieved, and possibly consider whether their whole team has achieved their results.

You can find the segment on CBC's Web site under Metro Morning's archive for February 16 beneath the heading "Leave When Done". Burke's interview begins at the 4:15 mark.

Posted by Elizabeth Monier-Williams, with files from York University's Daily Media Report.