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York University appoints seven new York Research Chairs

Research with Global Impact

Outstanding in their respective academic fields, these new Chairs embody York University’s commitment to research intensification, scholarly excellence and policy-relevant findings. These researchers and scholars are undertaking visionary work that has local, national and international impact. Through this research, York aspires to better understand the human condition and the world around us, and to employ the knowledge we gain in the service of society.

York President & Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mamdouh Shoukri and York Vice-President Research & Innovation Dr. Robert Haché are pleased to announce the following appointments in 2016:

Nantel Bergeron
Tier 1 York Research Chair in Applied Algebra
His research program will help to better understand the complexity of algorithms in computer science and mathematics, and bring further insights into super-symmetry of nature.

Ellen Bialystok
Tier 1 Walter Gordon York Research Chair in Lifespan Cognitive Development
Her research studies patients with early Alzheimer’s disease to gain a more complete understanding and develop a training protocol that will improve cognitive function for all patients.

Chun Peng
Tier 1 York Research Chair in Women's Reproductive Health
Her research will enhance the overall understanding of female reproductive health and reveal novel biomarkers for preeclampsia and therapeutic targets for ovarian cancer.

Stepan Wood
Tier 1 Chair in Environmental Justice and Sustainability
His research program explores transnational sustainability governance schemes, while seeking to empower marginalized interests and advance sustainability.

Jimmy Huang
Tier 2 York Research Chair in Big Data Analytics
His research aims to overcome limitations of existing information retrieval methods and to develop a new retrieval paradigm for big data.

Shayna Rosenbaum
Tier 2 York Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
As the first York Research Chair associated with York’s successful Canada First Research Excellence Fund proposal, Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA), she is involved in research that looks at how memories acquired long ago are represented in the brain.

Amro Zayed
Tier 2 York Research Chair in Genomics
His research seeks to improve the health of Canadian honey bees, which will increase the sustainability and security of Canada’s food supply.

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