The York University Office of Emergency Management is responsible for emergency planning for the University. Emergency planning consists of identifying risks, developing emergency plans, conducting exercises, delivering training and hosting public awareness and engagement activities.
Please note that accessible formats and communications supports are available with respect to forms, guides, and other documentation, upon request. For more information: oem@yorku.ca

Emergency Management Policy & Plan
The Emergency Management policy and plan aim to promote the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, protect property, and help ensure the continuance of critical University operations during emergency scenarios.
Emergency Procedure, Plans, or Public Safety Information are available in accessible format upon request

Emergency Communication
The Emergency Notification System is the primary communication system for the York University community during an Emergency or Potential Emergency.

Emergency Assembly Points
Emergency Assembly Points (EAPs) are designated areas on campus, which are to be used in the case of emergency situations. They are intended to provide a safe area for individuals to stand, while waiting for emergency personnel to respond.

Emergency Response Guide
Learn how to respond to specific emergencies by reviewing the Emergency Response Guide.

Persons Requiring Assistance During Emergencies
A guide for Persons Requiring Assistance During Emergencies

Emergency Response Wardens
Building Captains and Emergency Response Wardens provide an important safety service for the York University Community at both the Glendon and Keele Campuses. They are volunteers who assist with various emergencies including fire alarms and evacuations.

YU Local Emergency Preparedness Course
Understand how to respond to potential local emergencies on campus.