The following section includes the listing of relevant conditions and policies related to the YU Connect system.
StudentVoice LLC will send your information to York University but will not sell, publish or otherwise disclose your information to a third party organization for any reason.
York University may use this information for research and operational purposes.
Upon your graduation, all of your information will be transferred to York University Advancement, who will use the information to inform you about alumni programs and benefits offered by York University and the York University Alumni Association, including career, educational and social programs and alumni products and services. York University Advancement may use this information to facilitate alumni participation in university research reporting, trend analysis, learning assessment, alumni surveys and fundraising and development activities; and to administer elections for York University and YUAA governing bodies. York University and YUAA may also disclose this information under confidentiality agreements to outside organizations or agencies so that you may be contacted about products and services offered to alumni. If you have any questions about the collection of this information by York University, please contact:
Manager, Student Client Services
W120 Bennett Centre for Student Services
York University
4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3
If you do not wish to receive information about or to participate in these additional programs and services offered by YUAA, you can opt-out by email at alumni@yorku.ca, on the Web at yorku.ca/alumni/updateyourinfo/ or by telephone at 1-866-876-2228. See also yorku.ca/alumni/about/privacypolicy.htm.
The export of any information to a third party server such as Google calendar or Facebook is strictly voluntary. You are urged to be aware of the privacy policies of those vendors before disclosing any information. York University has no liability for information shared through third party data exports performed by the individual user or group.
All student organizations using StudentVoice licensed software must be recognized by the Centre for Student Community and Leadership Development and comply with Senate Policies governing student behavior and the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
All recognized student organizations as well as individual students may be held accountable for any violations of these codes as a result of events hosted by their organizations.
York University retains the right to store any documents, forms, forums, images or any group information held on StudentVoice licensed software. This information will be held for administrative and research purposes only and will follow University procedures regarding privacy and access.
For more information on York University’s Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities please visit yorku.ca/oscr/studentconduct.html
For more information on York University’s Policies on Unauthorized Activities and organizations, please visit studentclubs.scld.yorku.ca/policies-2/unauthorized-activities-organizations/
For more information on York University’s privacy practices please visit https://www.yorku.ca/ipo/
If you have questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information by participating in this program, please contact the YU Connect Team at yuconn@yorku.ca.
Regulation Regarding Student Organizations
Regulation Regarding Student Organizations sets forth the privileges and obligations of Student Organizations to ensure that their activities and their financing are conducted in an Open, Accessible, Democratic, Non-Discriminatory, Legally and Financially responsible manner.
Policies, Procedures and Regulations are provided by the University Secretariat.