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Work with the Student Life Team
The following Student Life teams are currently hiring for multiple positions:
Some of our colleagues are also hiring:
Student Life positions
Student Engagement
You can be more than just a part of the York U community. You can help to build it. Lay the foundation for student engagement to flourish.
Student Community Development and Events Ambassador (Applications Closed)
Student Life Ambassador
Help support other students in their journey at York University, from wayfinding on campus to connecting with important resources.
Student Life Ambassador Lead - Summer and Fall/Winter (Applications Closed)
Student Life Ambassador - Fall/Winter (Applications Closed)
Student Life Assistant - Markham Campus
Help support the delivery of student programming, activities and initiatives at York's newest campus.
Student Life Assistant - Markham Campus (Applications Closed)
Student Leadership
Sow the seeds of leadership development at York. Join the Student Leadership team.
Leadership & Equity Activator (Applications Closed)
Student Organizations
Help to build a dynamic & inclusive community at York University that opens doors to new experiences and establishes new relationships. Support student club leaders in all aspects of running an organization at York University.
Student Organization Development Ambassador (Applications Closed)
Student Organization Services Ambassador (Applications Closed)
Student Government and College Life Ambassador (Applications Closed)
Student Transition
Assist new students transition into York University and prepare them for their first year.
New Student Transition – TEAM LEAD (Applications Closed)
New Student Transition Assistant (Applications Closed)
Communications & Marketing Department
Design nerd? Outspoken and well written? Love to be on camera as well as behind? Got more than a passing interest in social and digital media? Then this is the job for you.
Communications & Marketing Assistant (Summer, 1 Position) (Applications Closed)
Graphic Design & Multimedia Assistant (Summer, 4 Positions) (Applications Closed)
Graphic Design & Multimedia Assistant, Video Editor (Summer, 1 Position) (Applications Closed)
Graphic Design & Multimedia Assistant, Team Lead (Summer, 1 Position - FILLED)
Programmer Assistant (Summer, 1 Position - FILLED)
Social Media Ambassador (Summer, 6 Positions) (Applications Closed)
Social Media Ambassador, Team Lead (Summer, 1 Position) (Applications Closed)
Videographer / Photographer (Summer, 3 Positions - FILLED)
Website & Social Media Assistant (Summer, 4 Positions) (Applications Closed)
Website Content Writer (Summer, 1 Position) (Applications Closed)
Atkinson Centre for Mature and Part-time Students
Got what it takes to support the personal and academic success of your fellow students? Committed to helping students make a smooth transition to University and supporting their success through to graduation? Becoming a Transition Coach can provide a rewarding learning opportunity all while supporting the success of your fellow students!
Student Success Mentor Lead – Transition Coach (Applications Closed)
Special Projects Assistant/ Web site and Social Media Assistant (Applications Closed)
Black Excellence York University (BE YU)
Got what it takes to support the personal and academic success of your fellow students? Committed to the values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion? Becoming a BE YU Student Success Peer Mentor can provide a rewarding learning opportunity all while supporting the success of your fellow students!
Student Success Mentor Lead – Black Excellence York University (BE YU) (Applications Closed)
Student Success Peer Mentor – Black Excellence York University (BE YU) (Applications Closed)
Learning Skills Services
Learning Skills Services - active learners, team players, student supporters.
Learning Skills Peer - Fall/Winter 2024-25 (Applications Closed)
Learning Skills Peer - Indigenous Student Focus Fall/Winter 2024-25 (Applications Closed)
Learning Skills Media Peer - SU 2024 & Fall/Winter 2024-25 (Applications Closed)
Learning Skills Peer Team Lead - SU 2024 & Fall/Winter 2024-25 (Applications Closed)
Learning Skills Peer Returner - SU 2024 (Applications Closed)
Office of the University Registrar
Student Support and Advising Peer Lead (Applications Closed)
Student Support and Advising Peer (Applications Closed)