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Stripping Away the Body: Prospects for Reimagining Race in International Relations

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International relations has yet to reckon with its colonial and racist foundations, with few exceptions (Hall 2020; Persaud and Sajed 2018; Persaud and Walker 2001; Persaud and Walker 2015). Analyses of race in IR are rare, although tacitly informing the field from its inception (Vitalis 2017; Harper-Shipman and Gordon 2020; Anievas, Manchanda, Shilliam 2015). When present, formulations of race have been particularly wedded to the somatic, leaving analyses of dispossessing structures and the agents that support them difficult to discern. Configurations of race have also been divorced from their origins at the root of capitalism, in favor of more U.S.-centric renderings of race as identity. The panelists engage formulations of race as the concomitant othering and rank-ordering of groups that translates into material conditions. In this discussion, we demonstrate how a re-reading of IR with race as its central tenet, offers a more generative avenue for explorations of class, gender, security, and power, writ-large.

Topics covered by panelists will include the following:

E(racing) Africa in IRT.D. Harper-ShipmanDavidson College

"Multicultural" Recolonization of the First Black RepublicMamyrah A. Dougé-ProsperUniversity of California, Irvine

Fear the Child:Racial and Sexual Regulation along the US-Mexico BorderGavriel Cutipa-ZornYale University

Developing Methodology for the Exploration of Gendered Racialization:Introducing a Plural Capabilities ApproachK. Melchor Quick HallFielding Graduate UniversityVisiting Scholar, York University Centre for Feminist Research