Published on May 9, 2022
Five York researchers have been awarded seed grants to carry out critical global health research and develop fuller grant proposals and research programs.
Following a two-day workshop on critical perspectives in global health research in March, the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research and the Critical Perspectives for Global Health Research (CPGH) Steering Committee received a number of excellent applications for seed grants from researchers across disciplines and from across York University.
We are delighted to announce that the following York researchers have been awarded 2022 CPGH Seed Grants:
Pablo Aránguiz – Decolonizing Planetary Health Through Williche Ecologies of Repair
Simone Bohn – State Capacity and Health Equity in a Post-Slavery Context: The Case of the Quilombolas in Brazil
Maggie MacDonald – Misoprostol in Humanitarian Settings
Blessing Ogbuokiri – Harnessing Social Media Data to Complement Infectious Disease Outbreak Surveillance Data
Jeffrey Squire – Covid-19 and Healthcare Waste Management in Urban Africa
Recipients will each receive $5,000 to support their critical global health research. We look forward to hearing them present on their work in progress at next year’s workshop on Critical Social Science Perspectives in Global Health Research.
The purpose of the CPGH Seed Grants is to support York University–based critical social science perspectives in global health research that contribute to the research themes of the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research: planetary health; global health and humanitarianism; and global health foresighting. The Seed Grants are also meant to encourage faculty to develop fuller grant proposals for fall Tri-Council and other grant deadlines.
The Dahdaleh Institute and the CPGH Steering Committee thank all the applicants this year and congratulate the 2022 CPGH Seed Grant recipients.
Themes | Global Health & Humanitarianism, Global Health Foresighting, Planetary Health |
Status | Active |
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