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Glendon Information Technology Services

Welcome to your IT Help Desk! Our team is here to support your needs when it comes to software, hardware and network set up, management and troubleshooting.

Our most frequently asked questions

Passport York is the main credential that’s used to log into York’s systems.  To manage your account please visit https://mms.yorku.ca.  This includes password resets, setting security questions, and managing various aspects of your account including Two Factor Authentication (2FA).

Some of the common reasons people have trouble logging in are: 

Two Factor Authentication is not Set-up (Duo). 

If you haven’t set up your account for Two Factor Authentication (2FA) you can follow these instructions:  https://infosec.yorku.ca/services/two-factor-authentication/  If you are still unable to use 2FA/Duo, please reach out to the Glendon ITS Help desk, or the University Service Centre. 

Wrong Account 

If you are employed by the university (workstudy) while being a student, you will be assigned a different Passport York account for your staff role. Please make sure you’re using the correct account for the appropriate role. 

As a student you will have access to “Google Apps @ York”.  You can find more information about the service at https://google.info.yorku.ca/.   Note that your Google Apps username will be passportyorkusername@my.yorku.ca.  Your password will be your Passport York password. 

Students also have access to Microsoft services such as the Office Suite (https://portal.office.com).  When accessing Microsoft accounts, the format of your login should be ppyusername@yorku.ca.  Your password will be your Passport York password. 

When logging into Zoom, be sure to select the option for SSO (single sign on).  Sometimes people will try logging in with a personal Zoom account which may not be authorized for use with some classes or will default to a free account which is limited to 45 minutes. 


Several applications are available to York and Glendon students.  This is accessible through https://www.yorku.ca/uit/student-services/software/ or visit one of our Glendon computer labs

You’ll find many productivity, language, communication tools.  In some cases, your class may use specialized software. In most cases, these can be found here.  If they are not, then check with your professor.   

Wi-Fi is available for you using the wireless network (SSID) “AirYorkPLUS” it has robust security, performance, convenience and mobility. Visitors to Glendon should use the “AirYorkGUEST” network. 

At Glendon, Wi-Fi is available in the main buildings, in residences, and in many of the Outdoor areas.  This map shows the approximate Outdoor coverage. 

If you are a student visiting from another institution, or you are visiting another higher education institution, you can connect to a shared Wi-Fi network called “eduroam”.  

For more information on eduroam, and Wi-Fi at York, please see https://www.yorku.ca/uit/student-services/internet-access/

While we are happy to assist you in accessing your York account troubleshooting York-systems, hardware issues for non-employees are not eligible for repair through York/Glendon IT departments. 

Data Integrity is a private provider in York Lanes on the Keele Campus and can assist with many repairs, as well as purchasing equipment. 

Closer to campus, there are a number of local repair shops in the Yonge and Eglinton area 

For Apple products, we recommend visiting a local Apple store, or official Apple Service Provider. 

2 Factor Authentication (2FA), or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is mandatory to access York’s systems. This method is industry-proven to be among the best to protect you, and an organization’s digital assets.  For more information on York’s approach with this, please visit https://infosec.yorku.ca/services/two-factor-authentication/   

As we are living in an age that is highly dependent on one’s digital security, we do highly recommend you consider 2FA/MFA for your other personal accounts.  The power of 2FA/MFA is that even if malicious hackers have your email address and password, they cannot access your accounts without your approval. 

When assessing whether to use 2FA/MFA for your personal accounts, consider the added effort of approving a 2FA/MFA notification versus the effort of recovering your data and identity following a breach. 

The ITS team typically hires students as part of the Work Study program.  They are normally hired for the periods of the Fall and Winter semesters.  Previous technical experience, and bilingualism are both highly desired, but we place an emphasis on teaching, training and mentoring, so attitude and work ethic count for a lot. 

The work/study employees assist other students, staff, faculty, and provide classroom support.  If you would like to apply to be part of our team, please keep an eye on York’s YU Hire portal in July/August which is when the roles are posted.  You can also feel free to email your resume and cover letter to ithelp@glendon.yorku.ca so that we can keep your resume on file, and reach out if there is an opening during the academic year. 

You can find information on how to use our online tools at the Learning Technology Services website: https://lthelp.yorku.ca

For more in-depth pedagogical assistance, please visit the the Teaching Commons website: https://www.yorku.ca/teachingcommons/


Our Service Desk is located on the first floor of York Hall, YH 153

Monday to Thursday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Friday 8:30AM - 4:00PM

In-person: York Hall 153

Phone: 416-736-2100 ext 66700

Email: ithelp@glendon.yorku.ca

Evening classroom support

Available during Fall and Winter terms

Monday to Thursday
4:30PM - 7:00PM

Phone: 416-736-2100 ext 66700