Your program is your place to acquire new skills, gain experience and decide where you want to go next. Academic excellence is at the core of our mandate, and all our programs include hands-on experiences that equip you with the competence you need in a rapidly changing world. You’ll become a versatile, empowered and inspired graduate, whether you decide to pursue a professional career, a post-graduate degree or graduate studies.
Our immersive multilingual environment gives you a unique language advantage, an asset in high demand on the Canadian and global job markets.
Glendon graduates are sought after as much by employers as by top schools in Canada.
Our programs set you up for career success in the following sectors:
* Consecutive Certificate: available as a stand-alone certificate for existing degree holders
** Concurrent Certificate: must be taken in conjunction with a York bachelor-level program

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How to Reach Us
Academic Services
Glendon Campus
C102 York Hall
2275 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M6
General Inquiries (in person):
Monday to Friday
10:00AM - 12:30PM (EST)
1:30PM - 4:00PM (EST)
General Inquiries:
10:00AM - 12:30PM (EST)
1:30PM - 3:30PM (EST)