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CFI Grant Set-up Stages

There are three (3) distinctive stages which require active collaboration between the researcher, or principal investigator (PI), the Office of Research Services (ORS), Research Accounting (RA) and Strategic Procurement Services (SPS) among others such as Facilities Services where physical infrastructure may also be required.  Where acquisitions of goods and services (including external consultants) are required, the CFI has prescribed a number of activities that must be undertaken in each of these 3 stages.

  • PI and/or Procurement Services (SPS) solicit vendor quotations for the purpose of establishing an estimated budget of costs to be incurred for goods or services related to the specific project.  Purchases are NOT made at this stage
  • The pricing obtained, while not binding on the vendor, must include any in-kind contribution and reflect fair market value (binding prices will be finalized if the grant is approved and at the Award Finalization Stage by Strategic Procurement Services)
  • Items are placed on an itemized list and submitted with the CFI application that is sent by ORS
  • The award finalization stage begins upon notice from the CFI to the ORS that the project has been approved.  ORS will notify the PI, RA and Strategic Procurement Services accordingly
  • SPS, PI and ORS revisit the itemized list to ensure that no changes are required
  • SPS will ensure that previously solicited quotations are still valid by contacting the vendor to finalize pricing.  PS will issue a competitive bid for purchases that exceed $100,000
  • Once all the pricing has been finalized, the pricing details are updated on the CFI on-line form provided for this purpose
  • CFI reviews the final pricing and transfers the funds accordingly (or may contact ORS if there are significant variances to what was submitted on the application)
  • ORS receives the final award notice and funds from CFI
  • ORS notifies Research Accounting (RA) who sends an Accountability Letter (PDF) to the PI for signature
  • Once the signed Accountability Letter is returned, RA creates the cost centre and notifies the PI via email
  • PI may request Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF) funds from ORS
  • PI and Procurement Services will review the final Itemized List and begin to make the approved purchases