To enable faster payment of vendor invoices, please adhere to the following:
Note to York Employees: Please provide this information to vendors at the time of purchase.
Send Invoices to Accounts Payable (AP)
Send all invoices as an attachment directly to Accounts Payable ( rather than to the purchaser; except for credit card purchases, or unless the purchaser instructs otherwise. Please see the exemption list (PDF).
Please format the subject of the email as follows:
Invoice has purchase order |
Vendor's full legal name, PO#, Invoice # Example: Lions and Co., PO#1234, Invoice# 12345 |
Invoice does not have purchase order |
Vendor's full legal name, Invoice # Example: Lions and Co., Invoice# 12345 |
The preference is for invoices to be emailed, if email is not possible, mail it to:
Accounts Payable - University Services Centre (USC)
4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3
Note for Vendors
The preferred payment method at York University is direct deposit. If a vendor is not currently on direct deposit, please submit the following items to
- A completed Application for Vendor Direct Deposit Banking Form
- A void cheque or bank letter
- The invoice to be paid
Please advise vendors of the request for direct deposit in advance. Submitting an invoice for a vendor who has not been set up for direct deposit, or submitting incomplete documentation will result in payment delays.
Include Key Invoice Details

All applicable details below are required. Failure to include these details would delay processing of the invoice:
- Invoice number and date
- Vendor contact details
- Full vendor payment name and remit address
- Vendor phone number and email address
- "Bill To" contact details
- Payable to: York University
- The full name and York email address of purchaser
- Name of the purchaser's York department
- York University address
- York purchase order number (if applicable)
- Brief description of goods and services
- HST registration number (if registered to collect HST) - For small suppliers not required to register for HST, please include the phrase "Small supplier, HST not required."
Please see the Sample Invoice with Required Information (PDF) for more details. Please note, this is a sample only.
Additionally, we ask that vendors provide any other relevant information standard on invoices that we have not specified in this list (e.g. cost of goods/services, any discounts, shipping, dates of invoices, etc.) For PO invoices this information should conform to the lines on the PO.
A purchaser and vendor checklist (PDF) is available to print for future reference.