University departments are responsible for registering their vehicles with Risk Management Services and ensuring that the vehicle is properly maintained. In the event of an accident, please see to Auto Accident Reporting page, and notify Risk Management Services within 24 hours.
Adding a Vehicle to the York Fleet:
- Provide proof of purchase (i.e. purchase order or invoice) including seller information and the price of the vehicle to Risk Management Services
- York's RIN (Registered Identification Number) must be obtained from Risk Management Services into order to register the vehicle with the Ministry of Transportation
- Vehicle registrations are to be signed by the Director of Risk Management Services
Vehicle Registration (Plate) Renewal:
- York vehicle permits (green ownership forms) expire on December 31st of every year
- In late-October/Early-November, Risk Management Services will provide a list of vehicles to be renewed in your department
- A copy of the vehicle permit must be kept with the pink slips in the vehicle's glove compartment
- The original vehicle permit must be kept on file with the department along with all maintenance records
- Outstanding fines and charges from the MTO for the use of the vehicle must be pre-approved by the individual department before the vehicle permit can be renewed
- Please affix new renewal stickers to the ownership and plate of the vehicle upon renewal
- A copy of the vehicle permit must be submitted to Risk Management Services once the permit has been renewed
Vehicle Insurance Renewal:
- York's automobile insurance expires on April 30th of each year
- Insurance cards (pink slips) will be available prior to the April 30th renewal date, and departments will be notified by email as to when the slips can be picked up
- Pink slips must be kept with a copy of the vehicle permit in the glove compartment
Vehicle Maintenance:
- Vehicles must be maintained in accordance with the Ontario Highway Traffic Act; individual maintenance standards may be suggested n the vehicle manual
- Onus is on the individual department/researcher to ensure the vehicle is safe to drive
To protect University faculty and staff when renting a vehicle on University business for less than 30 days, the below guidelines should be observed. If you need a rental for more than 30 consecutive days, please contacts us at
Guidelines when Renting a Vehicle on University Business:
- The contract must clearly state that it is between the University and the rental agency
- Only passenger type or light commercial vehicles can be rented (ex. cars, light trucks or passenger vans)
- Ensure that the rental agency is fully aware where there vehicle will be driven - it must not be taken off public roads
- Ensure that no property is left in the vehicle (University or Personal property) and that the vehicle is kept locked when not in use
- Only authorized drivers named in the agreement may drive the vehicle and primary drivers must drive the vehicle the majority of the time
- The driver must abide by all legal driver requirements - including not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, following the rules of the road, etc.
Accident Reporting
In the event of an accident, please contact the rental agency immediately and follow their instructions about the continued operation of the vehicle. If you rented the vehicle with the York University US Bank Travel & Expense Visa, notify the card company within 48 hours of the incident.
Please notify Risk Management of any accidents as soon as possible.
More Information
For more information on renting vehicles for university business, please refer to the Standard Operating Procedure for Renting Vehicles on University Business.
More information on rental car rates can be found at the Procurement Services website, including more information on U.S. Bank Visa coverage.
University faculty and staff who drive personal vehicles while performing job duties for York University should be aware that the university does not provide insurance for a personally owned vehicle. Employees using personal vehicles for University business should:
- Purchase automobile insurance that covers driving for business purposes
- Purchase adequate coverage for liability
- Perform regular vehicle maintenance
For more information, please see the Standard Operating Procedure on the Use of Personal Vehicles for University Business.

York University Driver Requirements
Need to register to be a York University Driver? Understand the steps required to register and what your responsibilities are while driving for the university.