Bakeeshan Kathirchelvan
Bakeeshan Kathirchelvan (graduated with B.A. Hons., Actuarial Science in 2017) came to York in 2011, but it was not until his transfer to the Actuarial Stream of the (back then) Mathematics for Commerce program, that he discovered he was a passionate and determined student. “I cannot speak high enough of York’s Actuarial program,” says Bakeeshan. According to him, “the uniqueness of the program is that it takes a very holistic approach and so, the students become well-versed in mastering both the theoretical and applied sides of insurance mathematics”.
“The knowledge I had acquired through the formal York’s Actuarial Science curriculum multiplied by the excellent mentorship of my professors, helped me a great deal to ace the many interviews I have had both before and after graduation,” says Bakeeshan, and he clearly knows what he talks about. Namely, he spent two very exciting internship terms – one at Sun Life Financial, and another one at Morneau Shepell before graduating in 2017. Bakeeshan is now an Actuarial Analyst with Aviva Canada.