To check your level of mathematics preparation and help you enrol in the right course for you, please do the ALEKS Diagnostic Assessment.
If you are looking for course locations, schedules and instructors, please check York's course listings.
Glendon offers courses in mathematics and statistics under course code GL/MATH. We list the equivalent courses, which are acceptable for the degree programs at both Glendon and Faculty of Science. Please consult our Undergraduate Program Director for courses not on this list.
Mathematics Requirements
We offer different calculus courses, linear algebra courses and statistic courses required by different programs. Please check the York Academic Calendar if your program is not mentioned here.
Mathematics and Statistics students
In the first three terms of study, students in all our Honours program will complete the Mathematics and Statistics Program Core.
In second year, you will begin taking specialized courses in the area of your selected program. At that point, you will have a familiarity with various types of mathematics and statistics so that you can make an educated choice of a specific program. Note that it is an easy procedure to change from one specific program to another within our department. Feel free to bring your questions to the Undergraduate Office.
Faculty of Science students (non-Math)
We list the common Mathematics requirements for Faculty of Science programs. The requirements for each specific program may differ. Please check the York Academic Calendar to get the complete list of mathematics courses required for your program.
Lassonde School of Engineering students
We list the mathematics courses in the core of different Lassonde programs. Your program might require additional mathematics courses, please check the York Academic Calendar.
Faculty of Health students
Here are the Mathematics courses listed under the Basic Science Requirement for B.Sc. programs. The requirements for each specific program may differ. Please check the York Academic Calendar to get the complete list of mathematics courses required for your program.