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Keep a Routine

Keep a Routine

Stick to a routine

While completing your studies from home, it helps to create some structure around your working day. If your online course does not have a designated lecture time, create one for yourself in your schedule. Try to wake up at your normal time, get dressed, and keep a regular schedule of study, meals, leisure time and wellness activities.

If you live with others, it is important to communicate with the other members of your household about your routine. The Canadian Psychological Association has prepared some tips for setting-up a routine and communicating during COVID, with and without children.

Resources and worksheets for building a schedule are available through Learning Skills Services.

Stay balanced

Create a clear distinction between study time and leisure. It is extra important when staying at home all day to put boundaries around work time and create balance in your schedule, with time for studying and time for other activities that help you relax and recharge (e.g. exercise, connecting with friends, hobbies, etc.) If you live with others, talk to each other about your different schedules and what that will look like for the household.

Focus on one task at a time

When you multitask, you are likely to take longer to complete your tasks, make mistakes, and remember less of the material. When times are stressful, it’s easy to get distracted and feel overwhelmed. Breaking things down into manageable steps and working on one task at a time helps you stay on track and get things done.

Space out your studying

Resist the urge to cram. For example, if you have 6 hours of work to do for one course, it will be more effective to work on that material for 1-2 hours over 3-5 days instead of all 6 hours in one day.

Be aware of your energy levels

Do you work best in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Schedule your most challenging tasks at the time of day that you work best.