New Changes in Parking on Campus
In 2021, Parking Services implemented several changes to enhance digital services and to remove in-person touchpoints and friction with processes and equipment. Parking Services has moved to a virtual parking model: all parking is now facilitated through the HonkMobile payment App using vehicle license plate numbers. This is very similar to the payment technology and license plate enforcement presently in use in all TTC parking lots.
To learn more about HONK and the HonkMobile App, please visit the Parking Services web site at:
Where can YURA members park?
Parking is available in designated parking areas at both the Keele and Glendon campuses for members actively enrolled with the York University Retirees’ Association (YURA). A limited number of parking passes are provided as a courtesy to YURA members who request them when they apply for membership each year. Complimentary YURA parking passes can be used in the following parking lots:
KEELE CAMPUS - Keele Campus Parking Map
York Lanes Parking Garage, Arboretum Parking Garage, Student Services Parking Garage
GLENDON CAMPUS - Glendon Campus Parking Map
Parking Lot A (Upper/Main Level), Parking Lot B (Upper/Main Level), Parking Lot F (Lower Level), Parking Lot G (Lower Level)
Who is eligible for Complimentary YURA Parking Passes?
All York retirees who have joined YURA and are currently not on Payroll, may request complimentary YURA parking passes when they pay their membership dues. These complimentary passes are issued by the YURA Office, in cooperation with the York University Parking Office, and are applicable to the YURA membership year, October 1 – September 30.
Please note: You are required to return your parking permit and transponder/access card to Parking Services upon your retirement so that they can stop any deductions and end your contract with Parking Services.
How do I use my complimentary YURA parking passes?
Instructions are issued with your membership confirmation, once you have paid your YURA membership dues and you have requested parking passes on your membership registration form.
What if I exhaust my complimentary YURA parking passes?
You are required to pay the daily parking rate in whichever parking lot or garage you park.
What happens if I get a parking ticket?
If you park in an area where your complimentary YURA parking passes are not valid, you will be subject to receiving a parking citation, and you will be ticketed by the Parking Enforcement staff. If you receive a parking citation you will be responsible for paying this fine. The University's parking enforcement officers are now trained and certified as City of Toronto parking enforcement officers and parking tags issued are municipal parking citations, payable to the City of Toronto.