Sure, we love research! But we also just really love bees. Use the bee resources on this page and you will fall in love too!
The goal of the Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolutional and Conservation is to bring together researchers from across the globe, to understand more about bees, bee communities, their needs, the variety of causes for observed declines, and to help people make changes in support of bees.
Below, find bee resources to help you learn more about bees in our region of the world, how we are joining up with the City of Toronto to improve the habitat for native pollinators, and how you can help the bees!
Community Resources

PollinateTO provides funding for pollinator gardens located in all Toronto neighbourhoods. Priority will be given to projects located in Toronto’s 31 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs).
Applications will open from September 27 to October 18, 2021. Gardens will be planted in 2022.

Researchers have found that gardens planted with an abundance of flowers blooming a long period can bring pollinator numbers up in areas that had been losing them - adding nesting sites and changing garden care practices have a big impact too!

Bees of Toronto: A Guide to their Remarkable World
Imagine a Toronto with flourishing natural habitats and an
urban environment made safe for a great diversity of wildlife
species. Envision a city whose residents treasure their daily encounters...
Educational Bee Resources
Public Events
What is BeeCon?
BeeCon began in 2011 as a free gathering called the Southern Ontario Bee Researchers' Symposium. The goal was to build a local community of bee researchers and learn more about the research going on in the various labs across southern Ontario. Each year it has expanded in both scope and geographic reach - and we couldn't "bee" happier about that!!
Now, our goal is to connect bee researchers across the planet, build interdisciplinary research opportunities, promote evidence-based decision making, and grow a broad community of bee researchers, non-profit organizations, industry professionals, and the greater public that are supporting bees!
Other Talks
While most of our presentations can be found on our YouTube Channel, including our BEEc Speaker Series and Biogeography and Systematics Talks, there are a few other talks that we think merit watching!