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Hot off the Press – Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Conceptual Framework for Modeling the Health Impacts of Climate Change


Published on January 12, 2024

Harmony Unveiled: Navigating Climate Change's Impact on Health

Dahdaleh visiting faculty fellow Byomkesh Talukder and his research team, including Dahdaleh members James Orbinski, Ali Asgary Martin Bunch, Eunice Choi, and Mohammadali Tofighi, recently published an academic journal in the Journal of Climate Change and Health titled, "Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Conceptual Framework for Modeling the Health Impacts of Climate Change."

In a realm where climate change intricately weaves with human health, it becomes increasingly important to assess these connections and explore its global impact with a comprehensive Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) framework. The framework uncovers robust theoretical approaches to navigating the complexities of climate change and health. It showcases a methodological journey that blends field observations and expert insights to shape a holistic understanding of intricate dynamics. The six key sub-systems (ecological services, extreme weather, infectious diseases, food security, disaster risk management, and clinical public health) can be used to create tailored agent-based modeling and causal loop diagrams, enhancing predictive capabilities.

This article offers practical insights that explore applications, predict future health challenges, and implement effective strategies for a changing climate. More than theory, it is a call to action. A resource for policymakers, researchers, and health professionals by illuminating effective strategies for safeguarding human health amidst climate challenges. Together, let's navigate the complex network of health impacts, charting a course toward a resilient future.

Read the full journal here

Talukder, B., Schubert , J., Tofighi , M., Likongwe , P., Choi, E., Mphepo, G., Asgary, A., Bunch, M., Chiotha , S., Matthew, R., Sanders, B., Hipel, K., vanLoon, G., & Orbinski , J. (2024). Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Conceptual Framework for Modeling the Health Impacts of Climate Change. The Journal of Climate Change and Health.


Planetary Health



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James Orbinski, Director [F17-F24] - Alum

Mohammadali Tofighi, Postdoctoral Fellow, ADERSIM - Active

Martin J. Bunch, Faculty Fellow, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change - Active

Eunice Choi, Graduate Research Assistant, Planetary Health - Alum

Byomkesh Talukder, Visiting Faculty Fellow - Active

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