The Manage Research Grants web pages are intended to provide you with the information you need to effectively and efficiently manage your research funding. Here you will find links to external research resources, useful handbooks and presentations geared to researchers, along with explanations on forms and procedures.
This site provides an overview of key post award processes including grant set-up, spending grant dollars, grant reporting, and grant closure.
Depending on the type of grant an Accounts Administrator is available to assist you at any time during the grant cycle. Please see the available list of Account Administrators for Fund 500 and Fund 400 cost centres.
In addition, researchers can obtain information within their Faculty from their Faculty Research Administrators.
Principal Investigator's Responsibility
- Maintain research accounts in good standing
- Review transactions monthly via eReports. Note: Delegation of the account review does not release the grant or contract holder from responsibility for over expenditures.
- Reimburse inappropriate or disallowed expenditures as determined Research Accounting per funding agency guidelines.
Research Accounting Responsibility
Distributes automated monthly e-mails to PI's updating them on the status of their cost centres as they relate to the following:
- Fund 500 cost centres in an overspent position with direction on how to resolve
- Available balances in all fund 500 cont centres
- Employee contracts that continue beyond the end date of the grant
- Overdue employee advances
- Research grants and contracts that are ending with 30, 60 and 90 days