Expenditures charged to research grants and contracts are to comply with University policies, unless the granting agency guidelines impose greater restrictions. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) and any delegate(s) to ensure that all expenditures applied against the research grant or contract are approved/eligible purchases and conform to University and agency guidelines.
Should a conflict occur between the agency's policy and the University policy, the stricter of the two policies will guide the process, unless written authorization from the agency is obtained.
Engaging External Consultants/Contractors
In order to ensure compliance and perform the correct acquisition process, community members are urged to contact Dexter King, Director, Procurement Services at 416-803-8412 or via e-mail at dking@yorku.ca.
Helpful Quick Links for Spending Research Dollars
Find out the most common eligible/ineligible expenses.
PI's should refer to funding agreements and approved budgets for direction on spending.
More information on hiring and paying research staff of all types.
Travelling using Research Funds
All you need to know to travel using research funds.
Learn more about the University's policy regarding eligible airfare and more.

Have a conference outside of the GTA? Be sure to have all your expenses reimbursed by following a few rules.
Understand honoraria expenses and how to get them processed.
Tri-Agency Eligible Expenses while on Sabbatical/
Research Leave
There are special rules regarding what is able to be reimbursed while on sabbatical or research leave.
Transferring Funds to Another Institution
What you need to know to transfer funds to another institution.
What are overspent research funds and how do you clear them.