A new Certificate in Psychological Methods and Data Analysis is now available to undergraduate students. The Certificate is open to any student completing a degree in Psychology (Health/Glendon) or other undergraduate programs within the Faculty of Health. The Certificate was approved by York University Senate on February 25, 2021.
The goal of the Certificate is to provide undergraduate psychology students with advanced skills in psychological methods and data analysis that will be of value to students applying to graduate school in Quantitative Methods for Psychology (or other graduate psychology programs), applying to post-graduate programs, obtaining a job following completion of their undergraduate degree, etc.
Course Requirements for the Certificate in Psychological Methods and Data Analysis
The following courses are required:
- PSYC 2020 (6.00) Statistical Methods I and II OR PSYC 2021 (3.00) Statistical Methods I and PSYC 2022 (3.00) Statistical Methods II
- PSYC 2030 (3.00) Introduction to Research Methods
- PSYC 3031 (3.00) Intermediate Statistics I
- PSYC 3032 (3.00) Intermediate Statistics II
- PSYC 3090 (3.00) Psychological Measurement
In addition, six credits are required from the following options:
- PSYC 3010 (3.00) Intermediate Research Methods
- PSYC 3015 (3.00) Introduction to Program Evaluation
- PSYC 4330 (3.00) Seminar in Statistics
- PSYC 390x/490x (3.00/6.00) Individual Research Project (on a topic directly related to Psychological Methods and Data Analysis, and approved by the Certificate in Psychological Methods and Data Analysis Coordinator.)
- A minimum C+ average is required across all courses counting towards the completion of the Certificate in Psychological Methods and Data Analysis.
- Students in the Specialized Honours Program are required to take PSYC 2020 6.00 (or PSYC 2021 3.00/PSYC 2022 3.00), PSYC 2030 3.00, PSYC 3031 3.00, and PSYC 3010 3.00 as part of their degree requirements. Thus, in order to ensure that they have taken at least 12 credits beyond what is required by their program, they cannot use PSYC 3010 3.00 to satisfy the six credits required from the course options available. However, they can take any two of PSYC 3015 3.00, PSYC 4330, 3.00 PSYC 390x 3.00, and PSYC 490x 3.00 OR PSYC 390x/490x 6.00 to satisfy this requirement.
- In order to have the Certificate in Psychological Methods and Data Analysis show up on student transcripts, students must submit an application to graduate with the Certificate. The application form can be found at Registrar's Office website under Information on Applying to Graduate with a Certificate. The application should be submitted to psy_cert@yorku.ca