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Mental Health and Coping

Biopsychosocial causes and treatments of mental health problems (e.g., ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression etc.…) in children, adolescents and emerging adults, and more broadly, on factors to assist in coping.

Making I-SPARX Fly in Nunavut

I-SPARX is a youth and community-directed e-mental health intervention designed with and for Inuit Youth. Video game players enter a fantasy world, where balance has been disrupted and light has been taken. Players create their own character and are given a mission to help restore balance and light to the land by collecting Power Gems. Navigating through 7 levels, youth complete challenges that help them learn skills based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and emotion regulation.

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Canadian Teens at Home During COVID 19 Survey

Researchers at York University are seeking Canadians to complete this confidential online survey on relationship experiences and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are interested in parent-youth relationships, namely risk and protective factors, and associated mental health problems. If you are a Canadian resident or citizen and a youth aged 12-18 years, or a parent of a youth aged 12-18 years, please help researchers at York University by completing this online survey about your relationships at home and your mental health during this COVID-19 pandemic. No special background or knowledge is needed.

Find out more about this survey