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CRED Auto Draft ddcd126c878b8d915c56d34abf5d8a3c

CRED Auto Draft ddcd126c878b8d915c56d34abf5d8a3c

Alveare Social

Year of inception: 2018
Brand name: Alveare Social
Address: 8080 18th Side Road, Schomberg, ON, Canada
Postal code: L0G 1T0
Business category: Digital Marketing

Primary Contact Details
Name: Brigitte Hermanns
Phone: 416-886-3534
Identifier: DV

Company Description​

Alveare Social is a social media marketing agency with a diverse range of clients across various industries, including CPG, academic organizations, fashion, construction, etc. This vast exposure of industries across the social media landscape has helped us excel in providing our clients with a solid online presence, leading to increased brand awareness, sales, and overall growth. Our focus on not only the visual component of social media but also the data and valuable feedback loop has set us apart and helped us to create a strong reputation for performance.

Our services include social media management, strategy, content creation (photography, videography, graphic design), community management, data and analytics analysis, and paid and targeted ad campaigns.

Community & Social Impact

As a women-owned business, we have prioritized including women-owned companies and charitable organizations in our portfolio and supporting not-for-profit corporations.
