Looking for different methods of marketing your organization this school year? Listed below are a number of ideas and resources to share your organization name and mission with other students, faculty and staff in our York community!
YU Connect
YU Connect is York University’s online hub for Events, Student Clubs, and Student Governments! Student organization can utilize YU Connects' Events page to post any upcoming events to students, as well as publish News Articles for organization announcements, event reminders, post-event reports and much more.
Social Media
Social media has a huge presence in our lives. As a student organization, this is a very useful tool to maximize your reach to the community. The resources below can help you ensure your organization is reaching the community efficiently as possible:
Clubs 105 - Utilizing Social Media Presentation
Explore how to create social media content, navigate online interaction, monitor analytics and leverage your online presence with our online, click-through presentation. The presentation is non-sequential, and available online at any time.
Learn more here
Tabling is a great way to showcase your student organization to the broader York community of students, staff and faculty. Tabling occurs in assigned spots on the Keele campus, such as Vari Hall, Ross Link, and Central Square. For more information, please visit our tabling information website.