Borrower Privileges
Borrowing privileges are restricted to currently enrolled Faculty of Education students and course directors. The YU card serves as the library borrower’s card for the ERC. Seconded course directors must obtain a library card at the Scott Library circulation desk.
Borrowing Rules
- The general loan period is 2 weeks for books and 1 week for non-books.
- Education Resource Centre materials must be returned directly to the Education Resource Centre, not to another library or an Education satellite site.
- The total number of ERC items which can be borrowed under one card is 40. The following limits apply: 8 MANIPULATIVES.
- Renewals: 6 renewals are allowed barring any holds placed by another patron, and provided that outstanding fines do not exceed $25.00.
- Checking Contents: Patron is responsible for ensuring contents are complete for items comprised of multiple parts or pieces (manipulatives, binders, etc.). The borrower is liable for the cost of replacing any missing or damaged pieces. NOTE: missing parts or pieces or damage may result in charges for the full replacement cost of a kit or other item.
- Fines are: $0.50 per item per business day to a maximum of $25.00 per item on regular loans;
- $3.00 per hour or part of hour on reserve materials to a maximum of $100.00 per item.
Lost or Damaged ERC Items
- Lost or damaged materials from the Education Resource Centre collection must be reported to the ERC circulation desk. Materials are assumed lost when they are overdue for 50 days and replacement charges are levied. Replacement charges may also apply to damaged materials. The charges include a $60.00 replacement charge, unless the replacement cost exceeds this amount in which case the higher amount will apply; a $15.00 non-refundable processing charge; plus any outstanding overdue fines to a maximum of $25.00 per item for regular loan materials and $100.00 per item for reserve materials.
- Patrons are responsible for keeping track of due dates and may check their library account online via the Internet.
- Overdue notices, fines, billings are sent by e-mail to patrons.
- Borrowing privileges are suspended for patrons with cumulated fines of $25.00 or more.
- Students must return all materials and pay fines before graduating. Having outstanding fines or materials may result in the following sanctions being applied where appropriate: withholding of transcripts, permission to re-register or permission to graduate. Potential graduates with charges of $25 or more may not be permitted to graduate until the charges are paid.
Patrons who wish to appeal charges or fines must submit relevant documentation to the ERC Director or delegate for consideration.