The Ontario Government has recently revised the Broader Public Sector Expense Directive issued under the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010. The directive was revised to align with recent changes to the Ontario Public Service Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expense Directive. As a result of the changes, original itemized receipts for meal claims are no longer a requirement when funding is provided by the Ontario government or by its agencies or ministries.
Currently at York University, per diem allowances are allowable only when funded by non-operating fund accounts and where funding is not provided by agencies or ministries of the government of Ontario. Otherwise, original meal receipts are required to support the claim.
As a result of the changes, the University is aligning its reimbursement policy with the government directive. Individuals may claim per diems in lieu of providing receipts for meal charges incurred on or after January 1, 2017, up to the maximums allowed.
The following table summarizes the maximum meal allowances (whether claiming per diems or providing receipts):
Breakfast | CAD $12 | USD $12 |
Lunch | CAD $17 | USD $17 |
Dinner | CAD $36 | USD $36 |
Total Daily Allowance | CAD $65 | USD $65 |
The Concur Travel Expense System has been updated to reflect the above changes. (There may be cases where specific grants and grants require receipts. In these cases, claimants will be required to provide receipts for meals). Questions can be addressed to Paula Perri (