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Postdoctoral Researchers Applying for External Funding to be Held at York University

In general, to receive the required institutional signature to apply for external funding supporting postdoctoral researchers, the Faculty of Graduate Studies requires all application materials to be submitted to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator at least 10 business days before the competition deadline. Please note that the required signature cannot be obtained through your anchor Faculty’s research office.

The institutional authority for postdoctoral fellowships is the Vice-Provost and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS). If you intend to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship, or if you are a current postdoc at York looking to apply for grant funding, please reach out to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator in FGS as soon as possible to notify us of your plans and discuss specific requirements. This outreach will help you confirm which institutional approvals are required before you submit your application to the relevant funding agency. Depending on the funding opportunity, the following may be required:

  • An institutional letter of support signed by the Vice-Provost and Dean of FGS – Must be requested at least 10 business days before the competition deadline
  • An Office of Research Services (ORS) Checklist signed by the Vice-Provost and Dean of FGS – Must be requested at least 7 business days before the competition deadline in order to satisfy ORS deadline requirements

Institutional Letter of Support

Requirements vary based on the funding opportunity and are determined by external funder requirements and institutional policy. Many postdoctoral fellowship applications require an institutional letter of support that must be signed by the Vice-Provost and Dean of FGS. If your application requires an institutional letter, you will need to send a copy of the application to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator for review and must have confirmation of any commitments from York University. Specific opportunities, for example Banting PDF applications, involve additional requirements.

Additional Details on Applications Requiring ORS Approval

  • An ORS Checklist (pdf) must be filled in and signed by the postdoctoral researcher on page 2 as the applicant. No department chair’s signature is required. The Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator will facilitate the Dean’s signature.
  • Many funding applications from postdoctoral researchers do not include institutional commitments from York. If the application includes institutional commitments (cash or in-kind resources committed by a unit at York above and beyond the regular operating infrastructure available to you as a postdoc), the commitments must be confirmed in writing (on the ORS Checklist or by e-mail) by the source (i.e., the supervisor’s Dean’s Office, Research Centre or Institute Director). Questions about institutional commitments should be directed to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator.
  • The proposed supervisor must provide an emailed confirmation to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator that they agree to hold the cost centre (the account at York with the funding) in their name should the application be successful.
    • The email confirmation should also include a statement that they support the application and will provide the applicant with the necessary supports to carry out the proposed research.
  • A complete copy of the application, together with a completed and fully signed ORS Checklist, must be submitted to the ORS by e-mail to for review and institutional approval by the deadline set by ORS (typically 48 hours before the competition deadline).

For competition-specific information on external fellowship opportunities, please visit the Guide for Supervisors Supporting Applications for Externally-funded Postdoctoral Fellowships.