Faculty Council | Structure, Rules and Procedures | Members
Responsibilities of Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies:
As the pan-university Committee of Senate responsible for graduate and postdoctoral educational development, the Council will:
- provide the oversight and advocacy of graduate and postdoctoral educational development in the university’s mission to achieve excellence in scholarship, research, and teaching in pure, applied and professional fields;
- consult, cooperate, and plan strategically with graduate programs, anchor Faculty Council Graduate Committees, and other relevant units across the university to support disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and cross-Faculty initiatives;
- develop and maintain uniformly high standards of graduate and postdoctoral educational development, research and professionalization across the University. These standards are to be supported by the adoption and review of regulations governing standards of admission, examinations, academic progress milestones and completion;
- define the minimum membership criteria for appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies to facilitate student and program development in the areas of teaching, scholarship, research, and supervision;
- enact such policies, regulations, guidelines, and procedures as are necessary to conduct the affairs of the Faculty.