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How to Services

Risk Management Services strives to provide accurate processes when it comes to incident reporting, certificates of insurance, vehicles, drones and event planning. These How to Services are developed to help you with achieving this. Incident Reporting Certificates of Insurance Vehicles Risk Management Services is responsible for managing the insurance program for York University, including managing […]


We aim to promote safe travel for University sanctioned activities and manage the potential risks associated with it. For more information on travel guidelines please visit: Government of Canada Government of Canada – Travel and Tourism Government of Canada – Travel Advice and Advisories The Canadian government also offers a Registration of Canadians Abroad service which provides […]

Student Film Production Insurance

The Department of Cinema and Media Arts, in collaboration with Risk Management Services has created an online application for student productions to request insurance coverage through the University’s insurance program. Students, please: Complete the Student Film Production Insurance Application and submit it to their supervisor for approval; Attach all necessary licenses, clearances, and consents from contributing […]

Research Resources

How can we help? If you are about to enter into a contract, Risk Management can provide information on York’s insurance policies and risk management practices, including reviewing the wording of any contracts for insurance and indemnity clauses. Risk Assessment & Planning Risk Management can provide ongoing support to researchers, departments, and other parts of […]


How can we help? Risk Management aims to be a consultative resource to the University community. If you are about to enter into a contact or are working on a project, Risk Management can provide information on York’s insurance policies and risk management practices, including reviewing the wording of any contracts for insurance and indemnity […]


For events that involve physical activity, York University requires that waivers/informed consents be administered by the event host. Each document is specifically tailored to fit the nature of the activity. A waiver is a document, which when voluntarily signed waived certain rights or privileges of the participant, including the right to sue An informed consent is an agreement whereby […]

Event Planning

Event organizers have a duty of care to provide a safe environment and to sure participant safety during their event. Good planning means being prepared and ensuring that safety is a priority throughout all stages of event planning. Please keep all permits and approvals issued for your events with you at all times Waivers What […]

Make a Claim

University Personnel: To report the damage of University-owned property, click here. If you have experienced costs as the result of an incident which you believe York University may be responsible for, you must follow the process outlined below for your claim to be considered. York University requires that all claims be submitted in writing using the […]

Certificates of Insurance

A Certificate of Insurance is a document that shows an organization, company, or individual has adequate insurance coverage. Certificates can be: Issued by York University to provide proof of insurance to an external party or; Issued to York University from an external party (a vendor, contractor, organization, etc.) doing business on University Property. For more information on Certificates of […]

York University Driver Requirements

Driving University Owned & Rented Vehicles Individuals who are eligible to drive under York University’s owned and rental vehicle programs (both within North America and worldwide) include employees, academic staff members, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, undergraduate students, interns, externs, and co-op students. Coverage does not include countries that are subject to trade or other economic sanction or […]