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Managing Time in University

Time management is essential for success at university and beyond. Check out our time management resources, workshop, and tips.

Time Management Online Activity

How do I Build a Balanced Schedule?

How much study time do you need to succeed and how can you fit it all into your busy schedule? Use this online schedule-building tool to create a plan that will work for you.

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Tools and Workshops

How do I Build Time Management Skills?

Balancing school, work, and life can be a real challenge. Learn practical, personalized approaches to managing your time at university.

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Time Management Workshops

  • Time Management
  • Starting off Strong
  • Motivation & Procrastination


A laptop with a screen that shows a Learning Skills Peer on it.

Time Management Tools to Stay Focused

Learn how our Learning Skills Peers decide which tools are best for their time management needs.


Additional Resources

Blank Weekly ScheduleBy Hour:
By Half-Hour:
Plan your week by writing in set tasks such as school and work, and flexible tasks such as breaks and assignments.
To Do List PDF
Prioritize your tasks by using this template to create a to-do list to rank tasks in order of importance.
Study Task Breakdown for ExamsPDF
Learn how much time you need to prepare by tracking how much time you estimate tasks to take and recording how long tasks actually take.
Prioritization MatrixPDF
If you feel that everything on your list is important, laying your tasks out on the matrix can help you visualize what you should work on first.
Course Requirements Outline PDF
Worksheet for mapping out course requirements to help prioritize tasks based on how much assignments are worth.
Time Management Module SPARK: Student Papers & Academic Research Kit