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Academic Resources Committee

Membership 2024-2025

  • Antonio Di Domenico, Chair
  • Francesca Accinelli
  • Stefanie Lamonaca Caputo
  • Michael Giudice
  • Uma Gopinath
  • Ruth Green
  • Naomi Ierullo
  • Rhonda Lenton, President
  • Narendra Singh
  • Paul Tsaparis, Chair of the Board
  • TBA, Secretary
  • Leikha Bisera, Assistant Secretary

Terms of Reference

The Academic Resources Committee shall oversee and report to the Board on all academic resource matters and such other academic matters as are within the authority of the Board. The Committee’s scope shall specifically include research and innovation.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Committee shall:

  1. Monitor, and report to the Board, the University’s progress toward the achievement of its academic and research plans and consider from time to time as appropriate, the implications of the changing external and internal environments for strategic academic objectives as set out in the Strategic Mandate Agreement, University Academic Plan, the Strategic Research Plan and other relevant planning documents and frameworks.
  2. Review, at least annually, the major academic assumptions that underlie the budgetary planning framework, and satisfy itself that these assumptions are consistent with strategic planning objective.
  3. Recommend to the Board (with the concurrence of Senate) the establishment or discontinuance of Faculties, Schools, and Institutes and endowed chairs, professorships and fellowship.
  4. Monitor faculty complements in the context of academic plans, including equity dimensions.
  5. Review, and recommend approval by the Board, the President’s report on appointment, promotion, tenure or removal of faculty member.
  6. Undertake such other duties as may be requested by the Board from time to time.

Approved by the Board of Governors, December 9, 2002
Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors, June 28, 2016.