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Governance and Human Resources Committee

Membership 2024-2025

  • Helen Polatajko, Chair
  • Rhonda Lenton, President
  • Sham Madhok
  • Ingrid Minott
  • Eugene Roman
  • Nadine Spencer
  • Mary Traversy
  • Paul Tsaparis, Chair of the Board
  • TBA, Secretary
  • Leikha Bisera, Assistant Secretary

Terms of Reference

The Governance and Human Resources Committee shall oversee the nomination of governors on behalf of the Executive Committee, shall monitor the Board’s governance processes and recommend amendments thereto from time to time, and shall oversee the University’s human resources frameworks, strategies and policies.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Committee shall from time to time:

  1. Propose to the Executive Committee the names of individuals for membership on the Board in conformity with the General By-law and the Protocol for the Composition of the Board.
  2. Review the General By-law and governance related policies of the Board at least once every five years, and when considered desirable for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the Board and the University, recommend to the Board amendments thereto
  3. Monitor and advise on orientation and development initiatives for governors.
  4. Develop, implement and monitor procedures for assessing the effectiveness of the Board and its members.
  5. Review and recommend approval of University-wide human resources policies, including employment equity and workplace diversity.
  6. Ensure the University’s compliance with employment-related legislation, including workplace health and safety.
  7. Annually review the University’s strategies and plans for staff engagement, recruitment, retention, development and training, employee well-being, performance, compensation and succession planning.
  8. Oversee and make recommendations to the Board on pension matters and consult with Finance and Audit Committee as required.
  9. Undertake any such other duties as the committee might reasonably perform in carrying out its duties or as may be requested by the Chair of the Board or Executive Committee.

Approved by the Board of Governors December 4, 2007
Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors, December 2, 2008
Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors, June 28, 2016