In 2010 the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) approved protocols for the approval of new degree programs and other curriculum, and the cyclical review of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These protocols are overseen at the provincial level by a Quality Council established by COU.
Authority for Institutional Quality Assurance Policy at York University is vested with the Joint Sub- Committee of the Senate Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee and the Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy Committee.
The Joint Sub-Committee on Quality Assurance shall ensure compliance with the Council of Ontario Universities’ Quality Council’s principles, respond to audit reports conducted by the Quality Council proposing changes as may be needed, and oversee the cyclical review of programs. [May 28, 2009]
The joint Sub-Committee is composed of the following members:
- five elected faculty members
- the Associate Vice-President Academic and Vice-Provost Academic
- the Associate Vice-President Graduate and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
Eligibility for Membership on the Joint Sub-Committee
At least three of the elected members shall hold an appointment in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and four members shall hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher. Normally, members elected to the Sub-committee will have prior experience participating in the design, review, approval and/or administration of curriculum (e.g., previous service on a Faculty or Senate-level curriculum committee, as an Undergraduate or Graduate Program Director, etc.). [25 June 2020]
The Joint Sub-Committee shall report to the parent committees of APPRC and ASCP, which will in turn transmit the reports of the Sub-committee to Senate and the Board of Governors in compliance with the requirements of the Senate Policy on Approval and Cyclical Review of Programs and Other Curriculum
Cyclical reviews are overseen by a joint sub-committee of the Academic Standards, Curriculum and Pedagogy Committee and the Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee, which also serves as the University’s Quality Assurance body.
Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
- Othon Alexandrakis, Professor, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
- Marcia Annisette, Vice-Provost Academic
- Mary Goitom, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
- Alice MacLachlan, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Regina Lee, Professor, Lassonde School of Engineering
- Theodore Peridis, Professor, Schulich School of Business
- Paul Szeptycki, Professor, Faculty of Science
- Cheryl Underhill (Co-Secretary)
- Pamela Persaud (Co-Secretary)