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Undergraduate Certificate Guidelines and Procedures

I. Undergraduate Certificates Definition: “Undergraduate Certificate” is the term applied to a program of studies attesting to a level of competence or skills in a particular area or field. It is distinct from a defined undergraduate degree program, stream, specialization or informal concentration. A certificate recognizes a specific grouping of courses that i) are cross-disciplinary but […]

Bridging Courses (Policy and Guidelines)

Definition A bridging course is a university-preparation course with an academic curriculum that is offered to mature students as a means of preparing for the intellectual challenges of a university education, successful completion of which is recognized as a basis of admission to the University. Role of Bridging Courses in the Admissions Process For mature […]

Student Awards Categories, Guidelines and Procedures

Responsible Committee: Awards Categories The following award terms and definitions were approved by the Senate in June 2004 and revised in March 2009. These classifications are followed when naming an award. Award: Combines academic criteria (minimum grade of 70% for students entering from secondary school, undergraduate grade point average of 6.0, or graduate average of B) […]

Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, Customer Service Guideline

Description: Customer Service Guideline: Accessibility at York University (Assistive Devices, Support Persons and Support Animals). Has associated policy. Customer Service York University is committed to providing goods and services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. York University will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the provision of goods and services […]

Senate Guidelines and Procedures on Organized Research Units

Has associated Policy. GUIDELINES 1.  Roles and Expectations Organized Research Units may be institutionally based or based within Faculties. Institutional ORUs will normally be expected to attract and support a large critical mass of researchers from across multiple units and Faculties. Faculty-based ORUs normally bring together a critical mass of researchers predominantly from a single Faculty. All […]

Conflicts of Interest for Faculty and Librarians (Policy and Guidelines)

Description: This conflict of interest policy, set of accompanying guidelines and procedure on disclosure, which incorporate many of the elements of the conflict of interest portions of the December 7, 1999 Draft Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, now stand as the Policy, Guidelines and Procedure on Conflict of Interest with respect to faculty members and […]

Student Evaluation of Teaching, Policy on

Preamble The main purposes of seeking student evaluation of teaching are to assist faculty members in monitoring their effectiveness as teachers and to assist departments in monitoring the quality of their curricula. Important additional purposes include assisting in decisions regarding tenure and promotion, assisting in identifying exceptional teachers for teaching awards and documenting exceptional teaching. […]

Account Management Guidelines and Procedures

Description: Pursuant to Policy on Computing and Information Technology Facilities Purpose These guidelines and procedures are intended to guide the establishment of effective account management procedures which promote the security and integrity of University information technology systems and the information they contain. Scope These guidelines and procedures apply to all accounts on University Information Technology […]

Procurement Code of Ethics

Description: The York University Procurement Code of Ethics is integral to the University Procurement of Goods and Services Policy and the University’s practices are guided by this Code of Ethics. See associated documents: Procurement of Goods and Services Policy and Procedure. Code of Ethics York University aspires to high ethical, legal, environmental, managerial and professional standards […]

Copyright and Fair Dealing Guidelines

Introduction These guidelines provide guidance on copying of published works in print or electronic format without specific permission of the copyright owner, known as “fair dealing.” These guidelines cover: I. copying by faculty, staff and students; and II. copying in the context of libraries: a. copies for interlibrary loans; b. reprographic copies for library reserves; […]