Smoking Policy

Topic: Employees, Employment and Workplace, University Grounds and Physical Facilities
Approval Authority: Board of Governors

1.  Purpose

This policy sets out requirements regarding smoking on York University’s campuses.

2.  Scope and Application

This policy applies to all persons on the York University campus including students, faculty, staff, visitors, and volunteers.

3.   Policy

For the purposes of this policy, smoking includes the use of tobacco or cannabis in cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, blunts or pipes, and e-cigarettes.

York University values the health, safety and well-being of all community members (students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors).  It is committed to creating a healthy workplace and an organizational culture that promotes prevention, support and well-being.  The University recognizes the interdependence between a healthy workplace and employee engagement and further, between employee and student engagement and academic excellence.  This policy is intended to promote the health, safety and well-being of all community members through the reduction of second-hand smoke exposure.

The university abides by all relevant laws related to smoking on its campuses.

All Ontario Universities and Colleges are bound by the requirements of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, the Cannabis Act, 2017 (Canada) and Toronto Smoking By-law 709, requiring the following:

  • Smoking not be permitted indoors or within nine (9) metres of an entrance/exit or air intake of any building, including student residences;
  • Smoking not be permitted indoors or within twenty (20) metres of an entrance/exit or air intake of any child care centre;
  • Smoking not be permitted on or around sports fields and surfaces (e.g. areas for basketball, baseball, soccer or beach volleyball, ice rinks, tennis courts, splash pads and swimming pools);
  • Smoking not be permitted on bar and restaurant patios;
  • The sale of tobacco not be permitted on university and college campuses, including all buildings that are owned or leased by a postsecondary institution or student union;
  • Smoking not be permitted in university residences;
  • Traditional use of tobacco and other sacred medicines by Aboriginal Persons is exempted from this policy, as outlined in the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.

4.   Roles and Responsibility

The Vice-President Finance and Administration shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining any necessary procedures to implement this policy.

5.   Review

This policy shall be reviewed every five years.

Related Policy:

Healthy Workplace Policy

Legislative History: Approved: 2018/11/27
Categories: Uncategorized