Topic: | University Grounds and Physical Facilities |
Approval Authority: | Vice-President Finance and Administration and Vice-President Students |
Description: Pursuant to Policy on the Sale, Service and Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus.
I. General Regulations
The University has designated the locations listed in Appendix I as premises for the routine sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, pursuant to the liquor licenses of the operators, and alcoholic beverages may not be served elsewhere without permission.
Alcoholic beverages may be served in other permitted locations only by accredited servers and under appropriate liquor licenses, caterer’s endorsements, or special occasion permits.
Alcoholic beverages may be served at special events within licensed premises with the permission of the University and pursuant to such conditions as it may impose and the University may set conditions and guidelines for special events both in and outside of licensed premises.
License holders shall abide by the Liquor License Act as well as any guidelines, rules, and regulations of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, including those concerning alcoholic beverage marketing practices as they exist from time to time. In addition to the foregoing, license holders shall not carry out or sponsor promotional activities by alcoholic beverage manufacturers or their agents outside of their licensed premises without the authorization of the Director of Food Services.
License holders shall not engage in off-campus advertisement of events that are scheduled in their premises without the pre-approval of the Director of Food Services.
License holders shall have security plans, approved by York Security Services, for:
- regular hours of operation; and
- those occasions when the license holder can reasonably anticipate the occupancy of the premises will exceed 80% of the permitted numbers. (Refer to Appendix IV)
License holders shall report all incidents of inappropriate behaviour by or involving persons in licensed premises to York Security Services and shall monitor patrons’ access to premises with reference to a list of restricted persons provided by the University.
License holders shall not sell alcoholic beverages on the University’s meal plan program.
II. Regulations for Special Events
1. Definition
For purposes of these regulations, a “special event” shall include:
Any event at which alcohol will be served in premises not listed in Appendix I.
Any private function or party on York premises at which alcohol is served,
Any event in York premises, at which alcohol is served and which is publicly advertised or directed to members of a particular group or club.
2. Guidelines for License Holders
In addition to the requirements of the Liquor License Act, license holders who hold or cater for special events shall have in place prior to the event a security plan approved by York Security Services (see Appendix IV).
The following are procedures for obtaining permission for special events at which alcoholic beverages are to be served and permits for the temporary use of non-licensed space for such events. [1]
a) License Holders
To obtain approval for a special event at which alcoholic beverages are served under a caterer’s endorsement or special occasion permit, at least 10 days prior to the event,
i. Depending on the location of the event, license holders of York University premises shall apply to either:
- Manager, Food Services (Keele Campus), or
- Manager, Housing, Hospitality & Food Services (Glendon Campus);
ii. License holders in York Lanes shall apply to the York Lanes Management Office;
iii. Caterers not holding licenses to premises on York University campuses shall apply to the Director of Food Services.
iv. Caterers/license holders will provide the appropriate office above with a copy of the notifications for use of the caterers’ endorsement necessary under the Liquor License Act.
b. Students, Staff, and Faculty Members
i) To obtain approval for a special event at which alcoholic beverages are served, students, student groups, staff, and faculty members shall, at least 15 days prior to the event,
(a) Retain the services of a license holder or caterer holding a liquor license to make an application for permission for a special event;
(b) Obtain the written approval/sponsorship of each of an appropriate sponsoring office, Security Services, and the Director of Food Services.
(c) For the purposes of this procedure, the appropriate sponsoring offices shall be:
- For student applicants:
College Master, Dean, or the Office of Student Affairs;
- For faculty and staff applicants:
Chair, Dean, Director, Assistant Vice-President, or Vice-President
ii) Applications for a special event as noted shall be in writing and will be considered in accordance with the following:
(a) An approved Security Plan, as per Appendix IV.
(b) Approval of content, format, and distribution of event advertising as appropriate.
(c) Proof of insurance or appropriate endorsement in place.
III. Regulations Concerning Alcohol Consumption in Student Residences/Apartments
Every York student is responsible for the legal and responsible use of alcohol while on the campuses of York University. Contravention of University policies or any other applicable regulations or procedures may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to the denial of residence privileges and/or accommodation.
Only persons of legal drinking age may consume alcoholic beverages in residents' rooms or apartments.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in public spaces in residences or apartment buildings including but not limited to common rooms, stairways, hallways, and games and laundry rooms.
No student shall indirectly or directly sell alcoholic beverages or shall engage in any practices in a University residence or apartment building that is the equivalent of such sale.
Appendices available in PDF
Appendix I - Liquor Licence Premises and Associated Patios
Appendix II - Approved Campus Locations (Indoors)
Appendix III - Outdoors and other areas not covered by Appendix I and II
Appendix IV - Security Plan Approval Guidelines & Questionnaire
The University reserves the right to grant permission with specific conditions or to decline permission for any proposed event. For procedures for Temporary Use of Space for all events, see the policy and associated procedures.
Legislative History: | Approved by UEC: 2004/07/28 |