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APPRC Terms of Reference


On behalf of Senate, and in a context whereby academic planning encompasses research, other scholarly endeavours, and teaching, the Committee shall be responsible for consultations and recommendations to Senate on academic plans and major academic policies, and advise the President on the allocation of academic resources.

Terms of Reference

Taking a broad, principled approach to planning, the Committee shall be responsible for

  • recommendations to Senate (after which the Board of Governors) for the approval of new academic units (including Faculties, departments / schools units, research centres, and the like), and for the disestablishment or transfer of such units; and concurrences with recommendations to establish endowed chairs;
  • reports to Senate on reviews of existing Faculties, units, centres and programs, (including but not necessarily limited to Faculty plans, Undergraduate Program Reviews, Graduate Program Appraisals, Faculty Plans, Organized Research Units, computer plans, non-degree studies reports) and recommendations for changes arising from such reports;
  • recommendations to Senate on the University Academic Plan, together with monitoring and reporting on the implementation of UAP objectives;
  • the articulation of research, teaching and programmatic principles for academic planning and criteria for assessment of major initiatives, including shifts of academic resources;
  • the establishment of academic priorities guiding the deployment of academic resources, and advice and recommendations on the allocation of academic resources;
  • in consultation with others (including Senate committees), the coordination of program and policy development;
  • the receipt of annual and periodic reports from the President and its ex officio vice-presidents, its sub-committees (including those required by external bodies), and others (including the Vice-President Finance and Administration), and the facilitation of Senate consideration through the transmittal of relevant reports.

To perform its functions the Committee shall have access to all relevant information through the Vice-President Academic and Provost and its Technical Sub-Committee. Standing agenda items shall include research, planning, major academic policies and initiatives, and other such matters of ongoing attention the Committee deems relevant to its mandate. The Committee shall serve as Senate's liaison with academic administrators and other collegial bodies dealing with matters related to its mandate.